Restricted Lane Ahead Sign - Meaning
All you need to know about the Restricted Lane Ahead sign: definition, type of sign, color, shape, what to do and more

regulatory sign
black and white
some multilane roads
What does a Restricted Lane Ahead sign mean?
Restricted Lane Ahead signs are used to tell drivers that a lane is reserved for certain vehicles or certain purposes. The lanes are usually reserved for buses, carpool vehicles or other High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV).What type of sign is a Restricted Lane Ahead sign?
The Restricted Lane Ahead is a regulatory sign. Regulatory signs set limits and control traffic.What are the colors of a Restricted Lane Ahead sign?
Restricted Lane Ahead signs are black and white.What shape are Restricted Lane Ahead signs?
Restricted Lane Ahead signs are in the shape or a rectangle, with black lettering and a white diamond-shaped marking.Where are Restricted Lane Ahead signs commonly found?
Restricted Lane Ahead signs are used on some highly trafficked multi-lane roads to restrict access to a lane.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
Restricted Lane Ahead Sign - What To Do
When you see a Restricted Lane Ahead while driving on a multi-lane road:• be aware that the lane is reserved for buses, carpool vehicles or other High Occupancy Vehicles (HOV)
• unless you are not driving a bus, carpool vehicle or High Occupancy Vehicle, do not travel in this lane
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