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The air brakes endorsement applies to applicants who wish to drive a vehicle with air brakes in Class A, B, or C CDL. To drive a vehicle with air brakes, you must pass the air brake component of the New York CDL knowledge test. The NY CDL air brakes test consists of 25 questions, and you'll need at least 20 correct answers to pass (80%). The test covers the information found in the air brakes section of the New York CDL Manual. Take this NY CDL practice test now to prepare for the actual air brakes test!
1. On front tires, tread should be at least:
1/16 inch
2/32 inch
4/16 inch
4/32 inch
2. To brake in a way that will keep your vehicle in a straight line and allow you to turn if it becomes necessary, you can use:
the "controlled braking" method or the "stab braking" method.
the "stab braking" method.
the "controlled braking" method.
None of the above.
3. Tar in the road pavement rising to the road surface in very hot weather:
is very sticky and will slow down your vehicle.
causes the road to become very slippery.
does not affect the road surface or driving conditions.
might get in your engine.
4. The application pressure gauge:
tells you how much pressure is in the air tanks.
stops the compressor from pumping air.
protects the tank and the rest of the system from too much pressure.
shows how much air pressure is being applied to the brakes.
5. A broken exhaust system:
can let poisonous carbon monoxide to leak into the cab.
can improve fuel efficiency.
does not cause problems.
poses no threat to the driver.
6. The tractor protection valve:
will close if you apply the parking brakes.
provides the air supply for the brake system.
will close automatically if the air pressure drops to a certain level.
All of the above.
7. Which of the following is a reason why air tanks must be drained?
Your transmission fluid may drain out.
The governor may stop the compressor from pumping air.
Your brakes may fail due to the water freezing.
Your battery fluid may drain out.
8. Older trailers do not have spring brakes. If the air supply leaks away:
the trailer will stop normally.
there will be no emergency brakes.
the ABS won't work properly.
All of the above.
9. To check the slack adjusters:
Park on level ground and chock the wheels, release the parking brakes and pull hard on each slack adjuster. The slack adjuster shouldn't move more than one inch.
park downhill and see if the vehicle rolls.
check the air hoses connected to the brake chambers to make sure they aren't cut or worn.
None of the above.
10. How do you test hydraulic brakes for leaks?
Pump the brake pedal three times, then apply firm pressure to the pedal and hold for five seconds. The pedal should not move.
Pull forward against parking brake to make sure the hydraulic brakes holds.
Pump the brake pedal ten times and see if it holds.
None of the above.
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NY CDL Air Brakes Test

Number of questions: 25
Correct answers to pass:20
Passing score:80%
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