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The air brakes endorsement applies to applicants who wish to drive a vehicle with air brakes in Class A, B, or C CDL. To drive a vehicle with air brakes, you must pass the air brake component of the Ohio CDL knowledge test. The OH CDL air brakes test consists of 25 questions, and you'll need at least 20 correct answers to pass (80%). The test covers the information found in the air brakes section of the Ohio CDL Manual. Take this OH CDL practice test now to prepare for the actual air brakes test!
1. Which of the following is TRUE about dual air brake systems?
most heavy-duty vehicles use dual air brake systems.
Each brake system has its own air tanks, hoses and lines.
All of the above.
2. You can be sure that your vehicle is equipped with ABS:
if your company requires the use of antilock brakes in its policies.
if the vehicle was manufactured after 2000.
if the vehicle was manufactured after 1998.
3. When parking a trailer without spring brakes, it is very important for safety that you use wheel chocks. Why?
if you don't use wheel chocks, supply air will be sent to the service line instead of going to charge the trailer air tanks.
The air could leak out of the trailer air tank, releasing its emergency brakes.
You may not notice a major leak in the service line until you try to put the brakes on.
4. If you must stop on a one-way or divided highway, you should place warning devices _______ toward the approaching traffic.
5, 25 and 50 feet
10, 100 and 200 feet
5, 50 and 500 feet
5. To avoid becoming a distracted driver you should:
not engage in complex conversations with others.
adjust all vehicle controls and mirrors while driving.
not turn off all communication devices.
6. With air brake vehicles, you should use the parking brakes:
only during the vehicle inspection test.
whenever you leave the vehicle unattended.
as little as possible.
7. Your vehicle has hydraulic brakes. When you press the brake pedal while driving and the pedal goes to the floor, remember that:
the parking brake should never used to slow the vehicle.
pumping the brake pedal may generate enough hydraulic pressure to stop the vehicle.
shifting into neutral may help slow the vehicle.
8. ABS:
helps you stop faster.
improves your visibility at night.
helps you avoid skids caused by over braking.
9. Emergency brakes are:
not required on buses.
required on all vehicles.
not required on doubles.
10. During a trip you should check:
temperature gauges.
pressure gauges.
All of the above.
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OH Air Brakes Test

Number of questions: 25
Correct answers to pass:20
Passing score:80%
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