Slower Traffic Keep Right Sign - Meaning
All you need to know about the Slower Traffic Keep Right traffic sign: definition, type of sign, shape, color, what to do and more

regulatory sign
black and white
some multilane highways
What does a Slower Traffic Keep Right sign mean?
A Slower Traffic Keep Right sign is a regulatory sign installed on some multilane highways to remind drivers that slower traffic must stay in the right lane. If you are driving slower than the rest of the traffic, you must keep right unless passing. Slower traffic must move out of the left lane when being overtaken by a faster vehicle.What type of sign is a Slower Traffic Keep Right sign?
The Slower Traffic Keep Right sign is a regulatory sign. The sign controls traffic, sets limits and gives commands.What are the colors of Slower Traffic Keep Right signs?
Slower Traffic Keep Right signs are black and white. They have a white background with a black border and lettering.What shape is a Slower Traffic Keep Right road sign?
The sign is a rectangle with longer vertical sides and "SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT" printed in the center.Where are Slower Traffic Keep Right signs commonly installed?
Slower Traffic Keep Right signs are installed on some multilane highways for those driving slower than the normal speed of traffic.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
Slower Traffic Keep Right - What To Do
When you see a Slower Traffic Keep Right sign while driving on a multilane highway:• know that slower traffic must stay in the right lane
• if you are driving slower than the rest of traffic, you must keep right unless you are passing
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