Center Left Turn Lane - Meaning
All you need to know about the center left turn lane marking: meaning, rules, what to do and more

pavement marking
Line Color:
Line Type:
solid and broken
in the middle of two-way streets.
What does a center lane with solid and broken yellow lines mean?
A center lane marked on both sides by a solid yellow line and a broken yellow line is known as a center left turn lane (or “two-way left turn lane”, TWLTL). This shared lane helps manage traffic flow by providing a designated space for drivers making left turns from either direction.What is a center left turn lane?
Center left turn lanes are dedicated lanes for vehicles turning left, located in the median of two-way streets, between opposing traffic lanes. These lanes are easily identified by two yellow lines: the inner line is broken, while the outer line is solid.You may also see additional Center Turn Lane signs and pavement arrows to guide drivers from either direction using the lane for left turns.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
Center Left Turn Lane - What To Do
Use the center left turn lane to prepare for a safe left turn (or a U-turn, if permitted).When you need to turn left on a road with a shared left turn lane, you should:
• merge briefly into the center left turn lane to prepare for your turn, giving yourself time to spot a safe gap in oncoming traffic without blocking through lanes
• stay alert for other vehicles also turning left from the opposite direction within the center lane, and proceed with caution
• do not use a two-way left turn lane for regular driving or passing
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