School Zone Sign - Meaning
All you need to know about the School Zone sign: definition, type of sign, color, shape, what to do and more

warning sign
fluorescent yellow-green and black, or yellow and black
near a school. School Zone signs are installed near schools, or near crosswalks leading to a school.
What does a School Zone sign mean?
A School Zone sign warns drivers that they are near a school. When you see this sign, slow down, watch out for children (at all times, not just during school hours) and be ready to stop. Remember that school zones have a speed limit you must obey.What type of sign is a School Zone sign?
School Zone signs are a warning sign. These signs warn road users about an obstacle or condition requiring special attention.Which color(s) is the School Zone sign?
School Zone signs have a yellow or fluorescent yellow-green background, with black designs.What shape are School Zone signs?
School Zone signs are in the shape of an irregular pentagon (a rectangle with longer horizontal sides, with a triangle of top).Where are School Zone signs commonly placed?
School Zone signs are placed near a school, or near a crosswalk leading to a school that has a likely presence of children crossing the street or playing.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
School Zone Sign - What To Do
When you see a School Zone warning sign while driving, you should:• slow down
• watch out for children
• be ready to stop if necessary
• obey signals from any crossing guards
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