Divided Highway Ahead Warning Sign - Meaning
All you need to know about the Divided Highway Begins sign: definition, shape, color, type of sign, what to do and more

warning sign
yellow and black
before the start of a section of physically divided highway
What does a Divided Highway Ahead warning sign mean?
A Divided Highway Begins sign warns drivers that the highway ahead is divided by a median or physical barrier (concrete barrier, guardrail or strip of land). You are leaving a road without a divider and approaching a divided road. Keep to the right.What type of sign is a Divided Highway Ahead sign?
The Divided Highway Ahead sign is a warning sign. It warns drivers about a condition or potential hazard requiring special attention.What color(s) is a Divided Highway Ahead warning sign?
A Divided Highway Begins sign is yellow with black graphics.What shape are Divided Highway Begins signs?
Divided Highway Ahead signs are in the shape of a diamond. The two black arrows represent traffic moving in opposite directions. The divider symbol is at the top of the sign, meaning that drivers are approaching a divided road.Where are Divided Highway Ahead signs placed?
Divided Highway Ahead signs are placed where drivers are approaching a section of highway where opposing flows of traffic are separated by a median or other physical barrier.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
Divided Highway Ahead Sign - What To Do
When you see a Divided Highway Ahead sign while driving, you should:• be aware that the highway ahead is split into two separate one-way roadways by a median or divider
• keep to the right
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