Turn Left or Right Sign - Meaning
All you need to know about the Turn Left or Right traffic sign: definition, type of sign, shape, color and more

regulatory sign
black and white
prior to intersections
What does a Turn Left or Right sign mean?
The Turn Left or Right is a regulatory sign. It tells drivers that traveling straight is forbidden, and only left and right turns are allowed from this lane.What type of sign is a Turn Left or Right sign?
The Turn Left or Right sign is a regulatory sign. The sign controls traffic and sets limits.What are the color(s) of a Turn Left or Right sign?
The Turn Left or Right sign is black and white. It has a white background with black borders and graphics.What shape are Turn Left or Right road signs?
Turn Left or Rights signs are in the shape of a vertical rectangle, with black graphics.Where are Turn Left or Right signs commonly placed?
Turn Left or Right signs are commonly installed before intersections where road users can move their vehicle only in the direction indicated for their traffic lane.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
Turn Left or Right - What To Do
When you see a TURN LEFT OR RIGHT sign while driving, you must be aware that:• traveling straight is forbidden
• only right and left turns are allowed from the lane displaying this sign
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