Edge Lines - Meaning

All you need to know about edge line road markings: meaning, rules, what to do and more

Type: pavement marking
Line Color: white or yellow
Line Type: solid
Location: on the outer boundaries of paved roadways.

What do edge line pavement markings mean?

Edge line pavement markings show the outer boundaries of paved streets or highways, helping drivers locate the road’s shoulder.

• RIGHT EDGE LINES are solid white lines marking the right-hand edge of the roadway
• LEFT EDGE LINES are solid yellow lines marking the left-hand edge of the roadway

A single solid yellow line typically marks the left edge of the pavement on one-way streets or divided highways, indicating the median or divider that separates traffic moving in opposite directions.

What are edge lines?

Edge lines are solid lines along the side of the road that define the outer edge of the travel lane. Edge line markings discourage driving on the shoulder and help reduce the risk of leaving the roadway by providing visual guidance during poor weather or low-visibility conditions.

TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings

Edge Lines - What To Do

Follow edge line markings to stay within your lane and better anticipate the road alignment ahead.
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