Sharrows - Meaning
All you need to know about sharrow markings: meaning, rules, what to do and more

pavement marking
a bicycle symbol with a double chevron arrow
commonly found on low-traffic streets or urban roads where there isn’t enough space for a dedicated bike lane.
What do “sharrows” or Shared Lane Markings mean?
Shared Lane Markings (SLMs), commonly called “sharrows”, are pavement markings used to indicate that a lane is shared by both bicycles and motor vehicles.Sharrows are easy to spot, as they feature a white bicycle symbol topped with a double chevron arrow pointing in the direction of traffic.
Shared roadway bicycle markings are typically found on lanes that are too narrow for cars and bicycles to travel side-by-side comfortably. They help cyclists position themselves safely in the lane (usually near the right side) and remind drivers to watch for cyclists.
Sharrows can also provide directional guidance to cyclists, helping them navigate intersections or other potentially hazardous areas while preventing wrong-way riding.
Sharrows - Quick Guide
Shared Lane Markings do not designate dedicated bicycle lanes; instead, they remind drivers that cyclists may occupy the lane and assist cyclists in maintaining a safe position in traffic.For example, they guide cyclists to avoid riding too close to parked cars, which can lead to accidents from car doors opening.
Sharrows are often paired with “Bikes May Use Full Lane” signs to emphasize the rights of cyclists to share the road.
TIP: Studying for your DMV test? Check out our list of road signs and their meanings
Bike Sharrows - What To Do
The bike-and-chevron “sharrow” indicates that drivers and cyclists must share the lane.When driving on a road marked with a bike sharrow, you should:
• share the road safely with cyclists and exercise extra caution
• watch out for cyclists in traffic and consider the movements of both motorists and cyclists as you drive
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