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Drivers who want to drive combination vehicles must pass the combination vehicles test. The Massachusetts CDL combination test consists of 20 questions, and you'll need at least 16 correct answers to pass (80%). The test covers the combination vehicles section of the Massachusetts CDL Manual. Take this practice test now to prepare for the actual MA CDL combination test!
1. If a worker is close to the roadway in a work zone, you should:
drive at the posted speed limit.
drive on the shoulder.
pull off the road and stop.
reduce your speed below the posted speed limit.
2. When should you use the hand valve to park a combination vehicle?
To park at loading docks.
When parking downhill.
3. Combination vehicles _________ than single CMVs.
require more driving skill
are safer in bad weather
are much easier to drive
All of the above.
4. When using a fire extinguisher, you should stay:
at whatever distance you think is safe.
as far away from the fire as possible.
at least 10 feet away from the fire.
as close to the fire as possible, without getting burnt.
5. When should you use chocks to park a trailer without spring brakes?
Only when parking downhill
Only when parking uphill
6. Headlights:
must be turned on a half hour before sunset to a half hour after sunrise.
can blind other drivers.
should not be used when driving at night.
should be out of adjustment.
7. One way to prevent hydroplaning is to:
make sure you have enough tread on your tires.
take curves at higher speeds.
have less than 4/32 inch tread depth in every major groove on front tires.
use the controlled braking method.
8. If you have convex mirrors, be aware that:
in a convex mirror objects appears larger than they really are.
everything appears smaller in a convex mirror than it would if you were looking at it directly.
objects seem closer than they really are.
objects may appear to be faster than they really are.
9. If you must stop on a one-way or divided highway, you should place warning devices _______ toward the approaching traffic.
5, 50 and 500 feet
10, 100 and 200 feet
5, 25 and 50 feet
3, 15 and 45 feet
10. When you turn suddenly while pulling doubles, which trailer is most likely to turn over?
All trailers are equally likely to turn over.
The front trailer is twice as likely to turn over as the tractor.
The rear trailer is twice as likely to turn over as the tractor.
None of the above.
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MA Combination Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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