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The passenger endorsement applies to drivers who want to drive a bus in any Class A, B, or C CDL. Applicants must pass a special knowledge test, and must pass skills tests in a passenger vehicle. The Mississippi CDL passenger test consists of 20 questions. To pass, you must correctly answer at least 16 questions (80%). The MS passenger test covers the following sections of the Mississippi CDL Manual: Driving Safely, Transporting Passengers, Vehicle Inspection Test, Basic Control Skills Test and Road Test. Take this MS practice test now to prepare for the actual passenger test!
1. Properly adjusted outside left and right side flat mirrors should allow the driver to see:
the front bumper.
the rear tires touching the ground.
the front tires touching the ground.
at least 1 traffic lane on either side of the bus.
2. If your brakes fail on a steep mountain downgrade, you should:
leave the road immediately.
go right if the shoulder is clear.
use an escape ramp if it is available.
change lanes after making sure there is enough room.
3. When changing lanes, you should:
do it quickly.
not use your mirrors.
not use your turn signals.
None of the above.
4. If your bus leans toward the outside on a banked curve, the bus:
is going too slow.
has good traction.
is going at the proper speed.
is going too fast.
5. Foundation brakes are used:
only with the right wheels.
only with the rear wheels.
only with the front wheels.
at each wheel.
6. Brakes out of adjustment can cause the other brakes to:
apply more braking power.
last longer.
work better.
overheat and fade.
7. Air brakes use ________ to make the brakes work.
compressed gases
compressed gas cylinders
compressed oil
compressed air
8. Alcohol:
impairs depth perception.
improves reaction time.
does not affect judgement.
improves muscle coordination.
9. Which of the following is not a rule for using turn signals?
Signal early
Cancel your signal after you have turned
Don't signal unless another vehicle is behind you
Signal continuously
10. Which of the following is not a sign of fatigue?
Keeping a steady speed
Yawning repeatedly
Rubbing eyes
Frequent blinking
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Passenger Test - MS CDL

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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