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The passenger endorsement applies to drivers who want to drive a bus in any Class A, B, or C CDL. Applicants must pass a special knowledge test, and must pass skills tests in a passenger vehicle. The New Hampshire CDL passenger test consists of 20 questions. To pass, you must correctly answer at least 16 questions (80%). The NH passenger test covers the following sections of the New Hampshire CDL Manual: Driving Safely, Transporting Passengers, Vehicle Inspection Test, Basic Control Skills Test and Road Test. Take this NH practice test now to prepare for the actual passenger test!
1. Strong winds can make it difficult to stay in your lane, especially when:
driving alongside other vehicles.
driving at speeds below 40 mph.
going into tunnels.
coming out of tunnels.
2. When approaching a vehicle for a pre-trip inspection, you should:
look under the vehicle for hazards to vehicle movement.
start the engine and listen for unusual noises.
look under the vehicle for fuel leaks, fresh oil, coolant or grease.
make sure the parking brake is on.
3. What factors can cause brakes to fail or fade?
Brakes out of adjustment
Excessive use of the service brakes
Not relying on the engine braking effect
All of the above.
4. When arriving at the destination, all of the following should be announced except:
Reason for stopping
Next departure time
The location
The outside temperature
5. When arriving at a destination, it is best to tell passengers to take their carry-ons with them:
after stopping.
before coming to a complete stop.
as they get off the bus.
at least twice.
6. In an emergency:
stopping is always the best thing to do.
you should keep one hand on the steering wheel.
stopping is not always the safest thing to do.
you should never turn to miss an obstacle.
7. Slippery surfaces usually:
make it more difficult to stop.
can cause lack of steering power.
make it easier to stop.
None of the above.
8. Which of the following could cause poisonous carbon monoxide to enter the cab?
Wrong type of fuel
Lack of engine coolant
Exhaust system leaks
Lack of engine oil
9. How many red reflective triangles should you carry?
10. When driving on slippery surfaces, you should:
make turns as quickly as possible.
not pass slower vehicles unless necessary.
change lanes often.
All of the above.
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CDL Passenger Test NH

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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