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Drivers who want to drive combination vehicles must pass the combination vehicles test. The Nevada CDL combination test consists of 20 questions, and you'll need at least 16 correct answers to pass (80%). The test covers the combination vehicles section of the Nevada CDL Manual. Take this practice test now to prepare for the actual NV CDL combination test!
1. If driving a heavy vehicle, you should:
avoid braking.
stay in the left lane.
stay in the right lane.
try to pass other vehicles going uphill.
2. Which of the following is NOT a good rule for using turn signals?
Signal continuously until you have completed the turn.
Put your turn signal on after the turn.
Cancel your signal after you have turned.
Signal well before you turn.
3. Which of the following is most likely to roll over?
The rear trailer of a double
The middle trailer of a triple
The front trailer of a double
The rear trailer of a triple
4. When approaching a vehicle with a distracted driver, you should:
change lanes quickly.
quickly pass the vehicle.
maintain your safe following distance.
sound your horn.
5. If your truck has automatic transmission, you should downshift:
when you need to accelerate.
after entering a curve.
when going down grades.
whenever road conditions allow.
6. Before transporting sealed loads, you should check:
that you don't exceed gross weight and axle weight limits.
a small sample of whatever is inside.
the special transit permit.
None of the above.
7. When inspecting the coupling, make sure ________ between the upper and the lower fifth-wheel.
there is at least 1 foot
there are 10 feet
there is no space
there are at least 36 inches
8. Axle weight is:
the weight of all the axles added together.
the value specified by the manufacturer as the loaded weight of one axle.
the maximum safe weight your tires can carry at a specified pressure.
the weight transmitted to the ground by one axle or one set of axles.
9. If the spring brakes do not release when you push the trailer air supply control, you should:
pump the brakes.
check the electrical cables.
check the air line connections.
rev or lug the engine.
10. The service line is also called:
pressure line or signal line.
carrier line or control line.
control line or signal line.
signal line or air line.
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NV Combination Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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