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Drivers who want to drive combination vehicles must pass the combination vehicles test. The West Virginia CDL combination test consists of 20 questions, and you'll need at least 16 correct answers to pass (80%). The test covers the combination vehicles section of the West Virginia CDL Manual. Take this practice test now to prepare for the actual WV CDL combination test!
1. When transporting cargo, the cargo should be checked:
only after the trip.
before the trip and after the first 50 miles.
before the trip and after the first 150 miles.
only before the trip.
2. Which of these is more likely to rollover due to the "crack-the-whip" effect?
The last trailer of doubles
The last trailer of triples
5-axle tractor semitrailers
The front trailer of 65 ft. conventional doubles
3. When coupling a tractor to a semi-trailer, after checking if the fifth-wheel is in proper position for coupling you should:
make sure the area around the vehicle is clear and the trailer wheels are chocked.
secure the vehicle.
connect the electrical cord and check the air lines.
connect the air lines to the trailer.
4. During your inspection, you should look into the fifth-wheel gap and check that the _________ are fully closed around the kingpin.
lug nuts
locking jaws
mounting bolts
couplings (U-joints)
5. The tractor protection valve:
controls the emergency brakes on combination vehicles.
supplies air to the trailer air tanks.
keeps air in the tractor brake system should the trailer break away or develop a bad leak.
works the trailer brakes.
6. You must check that all shut-off valves are in the open position except the ones:
on the first trailer in a set of doubles.
on the middle trailer of a set of triples.
at the back of the last trailer.
on the first trailer in a set of triples.
7. When you make a quick lane change, the crack-the-whip effect can turn the trailer over. The crack-the-whip effect is caused by:
the rear trailer of a triple.
rearward amplification.
worn tire tread.
strong wind.
8. Broken suspension parts can be very dangerous. When inspecting your vehicle for suspension system defects, look for:
Spring hangers that allow movement of axle from proper position.
Damaged air suspension systems.
Broken leaves in a multi-leaf spring.
All of the above.
9. To secure the tractor you should:
Connect the tractor service air-line to the trailer service glad hand.
Put on the parking brake and put the transmission in neutral.
Check that the kingpin and the fifth-wheel are aligned.
All of the above.
10. If your truck has automatic transmission, you should downshift:
after entering a curve.
when going down grades.
when you need to accelerate.
whenever road conditions allow.
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WV Combination Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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