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Anyone who drives a motorcycle in Wisconsin must have a Class M motorcycle license or motorcycle instruction permit. To earn a motorcycle instruction permit in Wisconsin, the applicant must pass the motorcycle knowledge test​, a sign test and a vision screening. Check the Wisconsin Motorcycle Handbook.
1. To increase your chances of avoiding obstacles at night, you should:
reduce your speed.
ride in a staggered formation.
grab at the front brake.
2. You can ride your motorcycle between lanes of traffic:
in heavy traffic.
only in designated lanes.
3. Where is a crash most likely to occur?
In residential areas.
At intersections.
On multi-lane roads.
4. By "choosing the best lane position" you:
are avoiding hazards.
are not in a blind spot.
All of the above.
5. Approach turns and curves with caution. Use these four steps for better control:
1. Slow 2. Look 3. Lean 4. Roll
1. Roll 2. Slow 3. Look 4. Lean
1. Lean 2. Look 3. Slow 4. Roll
6. You ride safely on slippery surfaces by:
leaning back.
holding in the clutch.
avoiding sudden moves.
7. Knowing when and how to stop or swerve are two critical skills in avoiding a crash. Most riders involved in a crash:
underbrake the rear tire and overbrake the front.
underbrake the front tire and overbrake the rear.
overbrake the rear tire and pull in the clutch.
8. When preparing to pass, you can increase your line of sight by:
staying in the center lane position.
riding in the left lane position
reducing your speed.
9. Riding close to the edge of the road can be dangerous because:
most anti-freeze fluids collect there.
most oil and other vehicle fluids collect there.
dirt and gravel collect along the sides of the road.
10. ________ through a turn to stabilize suspension.
Rise slightly off the seat
Decrease your speed
Roll on the throttle
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WI DMV Motorcycle Test

Number of questions: 25
Correct answers to pass:20
Passing score:80%
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