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Safely pulling double and triple trailers requires knowledge and skill. If you want to pull double or triple trailers, you must add the Doubles/Triples (T) endorsement to your Class A CDL. The California doubles triples test consists of 20 questions. To pass, you must correctly answer at least 16 questions (80%). The CA CDL doubles triples test covers the following sections of the California CDL Manual: Driving Safely, Air Brakes (if you plan to operate vehicles equipped with air brakes), Combination Vehicles, Doubles and Triples. Take this CA CDL practice test now to prepare for the actual test!
1. Combination vehicles usually:
are shorter than single than single CMVs.
require more driving skill than single CMVs.
are easier to drive than single than single CMVs.
2. In California, triple trailers are:
not legal.
legal, but only at night.
3. What should you do if you doubt you have safe space to pass under a low bridge?
If no warnings are posted, assume there is enough clearance under the bridge and proceed slowly.
Go slowly, and take another route if you are not sure you can make it.
Increase the weight of your vehicle to clearing under the bridge.
4. When the wheels of a trailer lock up:
ABS will increase stopping power.
the trailer will tend to swing around.
the vehicle will gradually come to a complete stop.
5. The space under a heavily loaded vehicle can be very small. This can cause problems:
when crossing railroad tracks.
on dirt roads.
All of the above.
6. With low beams, drivers can see ahead about:
15 feet
100 feet
250 feet
7. Radial and bias-ply tires:
should be used together.
should be used together only when driving in packed snow.
should not be used together.
8. What is true about tire chains?
You must carry the at least 6 chains and extra cross-links.
You should learn how to put the chains on before you need to do it in snow.
You should watch the official video tutorial by the manifacturer before putting them on.
9. When approaching a double railroad track, you should:
rely upon the presence of warning signals.
remember that a train on one track may hide a train on the other track.
expect to hear a train when it's approaching.
10. If you must make an emergency stop, you should:
brake in a way that will keep your vehicle in a straight line.
apply the brakes as hard as you can to lock them.
use the hand brake before the brake pedal.
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CA CDL Doubles Triples Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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