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To earn your motorcycle license in Connecticut, you must pass both a knowledge test and an on-cycle skill test. Knowledge test questions are based on the information from the Connecticut Motorcycle Manual. The knowledge examination will consist of 16 questions taken from parts of the Connecticut Motorcycle Manual and the Connecticut Driver’s Manual for New Drivers. You’ll need 12 correct answers (75%) to pass the test.
1. When riding in a group, beginners should ride:
behind the leader.
in the middle of the group.
at the front of the group.
at the back.
2. When you have a tire failure, you must remember to:
use the flat tire brake only.
pull the engine kill switch.
avoid using the brake of the flat tire.
slow down with both brakes.
3. ______ helps make your downshifting smoother.
All the above
Applying the rear brake
Applying the front brake
Rolling on the throttle
4. Before changing lanes on a multi-lane road, you should check:
only the lane next to you.
the lane next to you and the far lane.
your turn signal.
only the far lane.
5. When preparing to enter the roadway from the roadside, you should position your motorcycle:
with your rear wheel touching the curb.
at an angle.
parallel to the roadside.
with the rear wheel locked.
6. When parking at the roadside, park:
with your front wheel touching the curb.
on the curb.
with your rear wheel touching the curb.
parallel to the curb.
7. SEE is a three-step process for making appropriate judgments. SEE stands for:
Search, Examine, Execute
See, Evaluate, Examine
Save, Evaluate, Express
Search, Evaluate, Execute
8. When you are preparing to slow down, you should check:
the tire tracks left by cars.
if there is traffic behind you.
that you are in neutral before stopping.
the center lane behind you.
9. If your motorcycle was built before 1978, remember to:
turn on the headlights when riding.
wear glasses.
get a special license.
stop riding when it gets dark.
10. Eye protection:
is only needed if your motorcycle is not equipped with a windshield.
is only needed when riding in bad weather.
should give a clear view to either side.
None of the other answers is correct.
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CT Motorcycle Permit Test

Number of questions: 16
Correct answers to pass:12
Passing score:75%
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