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Safely pulling double and triple trailers requires knowledge and skill. If you want to pull double or triple trailers, you must add the Doubles/Triples (T) endorsement to your Class A CDL. The Florida doubles triples test consists of 20 questions. To pass, you must correctly answer at least 16 questions (80%). The FL CDL doubles triples test covers the following sections of the Florida CDL Manual: Driving Safely, Air Brakes (if you plan to operate vehicles equipped with air brakes), Combination Vehicles, Doubles and Triples. Take this FL CDL practice test now to prepare for the actual test!
1. Over-length loads:
require special driving care.
require special transit permits.
may require special equipment such as "wide load" or flags.
All of the above.
2. If an aggressive driver confronts you, you should NOT:
ignore gestures.
try to get out of their way.
try to let them pass.
make eye contact.
3. In vehicles with air brakes, the two markings on a front brake limiting valve are:
high and low.
normal and slippery.
wet and dry.
left and right.
4. After an accident, an improper use of flares could cause:
air pressure to build from 50 to 100 psi within 2 minutes.
a fire if spilled fuel is on the ground.
the springs to put on the brakes.
the vehicle to slide back and forth.
5. Air tanks usually hold enough compressed air to allow the brakes to be used _________ even if the compressor stops working.
for 3 days
for one day
for one stop
several times
6. To warn drivers behind you when you see you'll need to slow down, you should:
turn off your lights.
sound your horn.
flash the brake lights.
use your headlights.
7. Regardless of its size, cargo should have at least ___ tie-downs.
8. When inspecting the coupling, make sure the fifth-wheel jaws have closed around the:
the electrical cord.
head of the kingpin.
the brake camshaft.
shank of the kingpin.
9. What should you do if you doubt you have safe space to pass under a low bridge?
Assume that the height posted at the bridges is correct.
Increase the weight of your vehicle to clearing under the bridge.
If no warnings are posted, assume there is enough clearance under the bridge and proceed slowly.
Go slowly, and take another route if you are not sure you can make it.
10. Which of the following is not proper tie-down equipment:
Bungee cords
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Doubles Triples FL CDL Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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