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Anyone who drives a motor vehicle on public streets or highways in Minnesota must carry a valid driver’s license or learner’s permit. Your eyes will be screened when you apply for, or renew, your driver’s license or learner’s permit. The MN DMV written test contains multiple-choice and true or false questions that evaluate your knowledge and understanding of Minnesota road rules, road signs and safety rules. The MN DMV test is based on information contained in the official Minnesota Driver's Manual, and consists of 40 questions. You need 32 correct answers to pass (80%).
1. Where there is no bicycle lane, where on the road must a bicyclist ride?
on the left shoulder of the road.
near the left edge of the road.
near the right curb or edge of the road.
None of the above.
reduction of lanes sign
traffic must merge right.
traffic must merge left.
the bridge ahead is wide enough for only one vehicle at a time.
the pavement ends.
3. What is the main reason night driving is more difficult than daytime driving?
The use of headlight is required by law.
Reduced speed.
Reduced visibility.
Driving within the range.
4. Left turns on a red light are allowed:
in school zones.
at intersections, after stopping, if the way is clear.
from a one-way street into a one-way street.
traffic signal ahead sign
Traffic signal ahead
No traffic signal ahead
The traffic signal is not operational
Open intersection ahead
6. Unlike passenger cars, trucks have blind spots:
reserved for blind people.
on the front.
on the right.
directly behind them.
7. When the driver behind you wants to pass, you should:
slow down to allow room for the other driver to complete the pass safely.
speed up.
change lanes.
use your brake lights.
8. When you drive near parks and playgrounds, you should expect children:
to stop at the curb before crossing the street.
not to cross unless they are with an adult.
to know when it is safe to cross.
to suddenly run into the street.
two way traffic ahead sign
You can travel in either direction in this lane
Intersection ahead
Divided highway ahead
Two-way traffic ahead
10. If an aggressive driver is behind you:
try to get out of the aggressive driver’s way.
increase your speed and flash your brake lights.
slow down and confront the aggressive driver.
sound your horn and move to the left lane.
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MN DMV Practice Test Facts

Number of questions: 40
Correct answers to pass:32
Passing score:80%
Minimum age to apply: 15
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