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Safe riding requires knowledge and skill. To earn your motorcycle license in Oklahoma, you must pass both a knowledge test and on-cycle skills test. The DMV knowledge test questions are based on information in the Oklahoma Motorcycle Manual. They require that you know and understand road rules and safe riding practices. The Oklahoma written knowledge test consists of 20 questions. To pass you must correctly answer at least 15 questions (75%).
1. The best formation when riding in a group is:
the paired-up formation.
the single-file formation.
the safe formation.
the staggered formation.
2. Which of the following statements about riding downhill is false?
Start slowing early.
The amount of braking force required to stop increases.
Increase your speed when riding downhill.
Motorcycles tend to pick up speed.
3. While riding your motorcycle, you approach a crosswalk that a pedestrian has just entered. What should you do?
Proceed as long as you will not hit the pedestrian.
Proceed if the pedestrian is not in your lane.
Stop and wait for the pedestrian to cross the road.
Stop inside the crosswalk.
4. In a single lane of traffic there are _____ lane positions.
5. It is important to flash your brake light:
before you slow, if you are being followed closely.
before you slow in the middle of a block or at an alley.
before you slow more quickly than others might expect.
All other answers are correct.
6. Your motorcycle fits you if:
both of your feet can reach the ground while you are seated.
you can reach the handlegrips.
you can reach the foot pegs.
All of the above.
7. If the front wheel locks:
grab at the front brake.
keep it locked.
roll on the throttle.
release the front brake immediately, then reapply it.
8. When negotiating a turn, motorcyclists should:
All the other answers are correct.
press on the handle grip in the direction of the turn.
roll on the throttle through the turn to stabilize suspension.
look through the turn to where you want to go.
9. When you are being passed by another vehicle, watch out for:
extended side mirrors.
objects being thrown from windows.
blasts of wind.
All of the above.
10. When riding in a group, inexperienced riders should be placed:
behind the leader.
in the middle of the group.
in front of the last rider.
in front of the leader.
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OK Motorcycle Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:15
Passing score:75%
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