Atlanta High School

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Safely pulling double and triple trailers requires knowledge and skill. If you want to pull double or triple trailers, you must add the Doubles/Triples (T) endorsement to your Class A CDL. The Texas doubles triples test consists of 20 questions. To pass, you must correctly answer at least 16 questions (80%). The TX CDL doubles triples test covers the following sections of the Texas CDL Manual: Driving Safely, Air Brakes (if you plan to operate vehicles equipped with air brakes), Combination Vehicles, Doubles and Triples. Take this TX CDL practice test now to prepare for the actual test!
1. When backing, you should:
use the mirrors on both sides.
only use mirror on the driver's side.
back and turn toward the right side whenever possible.
back quickly.
2. When the wheels of a trailer lock up, which of the following is most likely to occur?
The trailer will the trailer has overturn.
The trailer will tend to push the towing vehicle sideways (tractor jackknife).
The rig will stay in a straight line but slide sideways.
The trailer will tend to swing around (trailer jackknife).
3. Combination vehicles usually require _________ single commercial vehicles.
more driving skill than
less driving skill than
the same level of skill as
None of the above.
4. If there is a fire and you are not sure what to use to put it out, you should:
wait for firefighters.
use a fire extinguisher.
use dry powder.
use water.
5. Under a pressurized system, the radiator cap:
should be removed when the coolant is hot.
should always be cool.
should never be hot.
should never be removed until the system has cooled.
6. Which of the following is not a type of retarder?
7. It is safer to drive over (rather than to avoid) which of the following?
Paper and cloth sacks
Cardboard boxes
Plastic containers
None of the above.
8. If you are carrying a heavy load that is slowing you down, you should:
drive on the shoulder.
drive in the right lane.
keep the vehicle in third gear.
drive in the left lane.
9. If a load is 10 feet long, the minimum number of tie-downs required is:
10. You should always adjust your speed to be able to stop within:
the distance you can see ahead.
50 feet.
30 feet.
the length of your vehicle.
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TX CDL Doubles Triples Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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