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To obtain a CDL, you will be required to pass a vehicle inspection test. The vehicle inspection test, formerly known as pre-trip, is a skills test to see if you identify which features and equipment on the test vehicle should be inspected before driving. During the test, you will be asked to do an inspection of your vehicle. You will be expected to show your knowledge of the inspection process and you will be tested to see if you know whether your vehicle is safe to drive. During the CDL inspection test, DMV does not allow the use of testing aids, other than the vehicle inspection guide in the Wisconsin CDL Manual. To prepare for the test, study the following sections of the CDL manual: Driving Safely and the Vehicle Inspection Test. If you do not pass the CDL inspection test, the other skills tests will be postponed.
1. If your vehicle has power steering, during your pre-trip external inspection you must check that:
there's a function light.
the engine rpm is down close to idle.
there are no power steering fluid leaks or damage to the power steering hoses.
there are 2 lit red lights indicating it's there.
2. During the vehicle inspection test, after checking the area around the vehicle for hazards, and before opening the engine compartment door, you should:
check that the parking brakes are set and/or the wheels are chocked.
depress the clutch.
remove the battery.
check the level of brake fluid in the reservoir.
3. Rust around wheel nuts may mean:
the nuts are loose.
the wheels or rims have had welding repairs.
the weather is wet.
the nuts are too tight.
4. During the pre-trip inspection, when starting the engine you should:
fasten your safety belt.
check the coolant level in the radiator.
press the brake pedal.
listen for unusual noises.
5. Suspension system defects may include all of the following except:
Distorted coil springs
Cracked spring hangers
Cracked hoses
Missing or broken leaf springs
6. During a pre-trip inspection, to check your lights you should:
check the yellow malfunction lamps on the instrument panel.
with the engine running, put the vehicle in a forward gear and turn on the headlights.
turn off the engine, turn on the headlights and 4-way emergency flashers, and get out of the vehicle.
with the engine running, turn on the headlights and 4-way emergency flashers, and get out of the vehicle.
7. If you are checking that the air hoses and electrical lines are not spliced, cut, chafed or worn, you are inspecting:
the mounting bolts.
the air / electric lines.
the locking jaws.
the exhaust system.
8. During the basic control skills test, what is the maximum number of times you may look to check the position of your vehicle in the the straight-line backing exercise?
9. Which of the following are key steering system parts?
Axle, main spring, spring shackle
Tie rod, drag link, spindle
Lug nuts, rims, tire
Leaf spring, torque rod, front axle hanger
10. When checking your tires during a pre-trip inspection, which of the following is acceptable?
Tires made by different manufacturers
Cracks in the tires
Mismatched sizes
Dual tires that come in contact with parts of the vehicle
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WI Vehicle Inspection Test

Number of questions: 20
Correct answers to pass:16
Passing score:80%
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