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Anyone who operates a motor vehicle or motorcycle on public roadways in the District of Columbia is required to have a driver’s license or learner’s permit. To obtain a DC driver license, you must successfully complete a knowledge test, skills road test and vision screening. The written test is based on the information contained in the District of Columbia DMV Driving Manual, and is designed to check your knowledge of rules of the road, traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices. The official DC DMV test consists of 25 questions. A passing score consists of at least 20 correct answers (80%).
1. Drinking alcohol while taking drugs can:
have a more pronounced effect than either taken separately.
have a less pronounced effect than either taken separately.
improve concentration.
improve your driving performance.
2. You have stopped for a train at a railroad crossing. After the train passes, you must:
watch for vehicles that must stop at railroad crossings (school buses, vehicles carrying hazardous materials, etc.).
look to see if another train is coming, then cross the tracks if it is safe to do so.
All of the above.
3. Which of the following may result in an arrest for driving under the influence of intoxicants (DUII)?
A controlled substance, such as prescription medicines or illegal drugs.
An inhalant, such as glue or paint.
All of the above.
yellow arrow
Vehicles moving in all directions must stop if they can. The light will soon be red.
The same as the yellow light, but applies only to movement in the direction of the arrow.
The same as a green light.
None of the above.
5. When changing lanes:
change lane before checking the inside rearview mirror.
slow down and check your left mirror.
look over your shoulder to make sure no one is in the blind spot.
bicycle crossing sign
Bicycle repair shop ahead
Watch for bicycles
No Bicycle zone
Bicycles have the right-of-way
7. When in a motor vehicle on or off the highway, it is:
acceptable to drink alcoholic beverages if you are not driving.
illegal to keep an open container of alcohol in the passenger compartment.
illegal to drink from, but permissible to transport, open containers of alcohol in the passenger compartment.
permissible to drink a moderate amount of alcohol when driving with a passenger.
two way traffic ahead sign
they are coming to a point where another traffic lane joins the one they are on.
the one-way street or roadway is about to change to two-way traffic.
a divided highway is ahead.
they cannot go straight ahead.
divided highway ahead sign
Keep right
Keep left
Divided highway begins
Lane ends
10. The extra space in front of a large truck is needed for:
the truck driver to stop the vehicle.
other drivers when merging onto a freeway.
other drivers when they want to pass the truck.
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DC DMV Written Test Facts

Number of questions: 25
Correct answers to pass:20
Passing score:80%
Minimum age to apply: 16
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